Current Fanlistings

Diamond: Minase Iori
Game Characters: iDOLM@STER, THE; Minase Iori
Status: Approved at TFL on 7/8/19, fallen off due to inactivity

"would you forgive me if i became a bad person?": Matou Sakura
Game & Anime Characters: Fate/Stay Night; Matou Sakura
Status: Approved at TAFL on 7/8/19, fallen off due to inactivity

Bound by Stardust: Pisces
Others: Astrology
Status: Up and Running, needs Codes

Defunct Fanlistings

a beautiful world: Vinny (Vinesauce)
Personalities: Youtube, Vinny (Vinesauce)
Status: Applied for at TFL, never got in. I hate this layout too so until I figure out what to do with it, I ain't touching it.

Planned Fanlistings
Type Moon Related: Tsukihime (game)
Others: Astrology: Virgo; Hobbies: Cross Stitching

This site was created on June 21st 2019. © Yarrow 2023